Lemuria Land

Town: Hellville, Nosy Be, Madagascar
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Short Description Title: Welcome to Lemuria Land
Short Description: Lemuria Land Parc, a natural and botanical reserve amidst the centuries-old ylangs that have made the reputation of the island of Nosy Be Madagascar and lush vegetation, welcomes you every day. This tour of nearly 3 hours of time will take you to discover the endemic fauna and flora of Madagascar, of course a wide variety of endemic lemurs, but also reptiles including the most beautiful specimens of chameleons, crocodiles, various species of turtles, lizards...
Full description:

Lemuria Land Parc, a natural and botanical reserve amidst the centuries-old ylangs that have made the reputation of the island of Nosy Be Madagascar and lush vegetation, welcomes you every day. This tour of nearly 3 hours of time will take you to discover the endemic fauna and flora of Madagascar, of course a wide variety of endemic lemurs, but also reptiles including the most beautiful specimens of chameleons, crocodiles, various species of turtles, lizards...

The visit continues with the discovery of some traditional crafts, such as wicker basketry, palm and vetiver roots, the manufacture of mats, soubiques and the visit of the Rum Factory, with a free tasting of sugar cane rums that has made the reputation of the rum of Nosy Be Madagascar; all continuing the tasting of seasonal fruit juices that will be offered to you

You can also take the opportunity to stock up on souvenirs in our shop.

Payment Methods: CASH
Trading Hours Monday - Friday: 08H30 - 17H00
Trading Hours Saturday: 08H30 - 17H00
Trading Hours Sunday: 08H30 - 13H00
Price From: € 10
Booking URL: www.lemurialand.com/contact
Phone Number: (+261) 32 03 040 70
Instagram URL: instagram.com/lemurialand_nosybe?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Google Map: <iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3881.3235518766896!2d48.282212!3d-13.392281099999998!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x2213c774dd21d0f9%3A0x55b9c592b4ee5dd1!2sLemuria%20Land!5e0!3m2!1sen!2smg!4v1699258097149!5m2!1sen!2smg" width="100%" height="450" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade"></iframe>

Lemuria Land

Hellville, Nosy Be, Madagascar, Nosy Be, Madagascar

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Welcome to Lemuria Land

Lemuria Land Parc, a natural and botanical reserve amidst the centuries-old ylangs that have made the reputation of the island of Nosy Be Madagascar and lush vegetation, welcomes you every day. This tour of nearly 3 hours of time will take you to discover the endemic fauna and flora of Madagascar, of course a wide variety of endemic lemurs, but also reptiles including the most beautiful specimens of chameleons, crocodiles, various species of turtles, lizards...

The visit continues with the discovery of some traditional crafts, such as wicker basketry, palm and vetiver roots, the manufacture of mats, soubiques and the visit of the Rum Factory, with a free tasting of sugar cane rums that has made the reputation of the rum of Nosy Be Madagascar; all continuing the tasting of seasonal fruit juices that will be offered to you

You can also take the opportunity to stock up on souvenirs in our shop.


Monday - Friday: 08H30 - 17H00
Saturday: 08H30 - 17H00
Sunday: 08H30 - 13H00


€ 10


Nosy Be Official
