A place where the wildlife and its habitants completely live in harmony.
The island of Ankazoberavina is located in the northwest part of Madagascar, 18 miles (about 1
hour by boat) from Nosy Be Island.
In the north part of the island lies the beach that welcomes, protected and hidden by lush
vegetation, the eight exclusive bungalows.
Fishing is one of the most exciting activities on this Island. Fishing charters all around or just
even getting out a stick & piece of string will do just fine. The fisherman here respect their reef
and thrive when going out to catch their meals.
If catching fish isn’t your thing, maybe snorkelling or diving with them is?
If you don’t like the salty water much, there is still more than enough to do. Dolphin watching,
seasonal whale & whale shark watching excursions will always leave you stunned.
Nosy Mitsio is a group of islets that together make it one of the most beautiful places you’ll ever lay eyes on.
From beaches still untouched by man to surrounding yourself in forests of bats.
From the root of local civilization to 5 star luxury hotels.
It truly is a place of wonder.
Private beach…villa…an island just for you. Whether it’s for only you or a group of 12, renting this islet is something to take advantage of.
Just a short boat trip away from Nosy Komba & Nosy Be, but you will still feel like the world won’t be able to disturb you.
Imagine the palm trees, hammock and cocktails…your biggest worry will be you wondering how long your siesta should be.
Fun fact, locals refer to this island as “Porn Island”.